What is Full form of XAAL?
Xavier Alumni Association of Lupungutu
Who can become member of XAAL?
All ex students of St. Xavier's High School, Lupungutu, Chaibasa.
How to become member
Please contact XAAL Coordinator / Secretary of respective XAAL Chapter.
How many chapters are existing?
There are ……………….nos. of XAAL Chapters and new chapters are in evolution stage.
Can I start a XAAL chapter in my city?
Yes, with intimation to central XAAL secretary and willingness of other ex-students of our school.
How can I contribute in terms of Money for XAAL?
By crediting amount with Bank A/C "Xavier Alumni Association of Lupungutu" account no. 451010100026800 IFSCBKID0004510 Bank Of India, Chaibasa Branch
How can I help XAAL in non-monetary terms?
By involving in various welfare related activities i.e. counselling, helping poor in villages, Social Service, Games/ Sports, Fund Generation for XAAL, Organizing events
Whom can we contact in case of any information or query?
Contact Secretary of XAAL or Fr. Principal of St Xavier's High School Lupungutu Contact No. 9939166726 / Mr. Rautu Purty 9934511969