
About XAAL

XAAL - Xavier Alumni Association of Lupungutu, Chaibasa is a social organization comprising of passed out students from St Xavier's High School, Lupungutu, Chaibasa.

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Know more about XAAL

What is full form of XAAL?

Xavier Alumni Association of Lupungutu

Who can become member of XAAL?
All ex students of St. Xavier's High School, Lupungutu, Chaibasa.
How to become member
Please contact XAAL Coordinator / Secretary of respective XAAL Chapter.
How many chapters are existing?
There are ……………….nos. of XAAL Chapters and new chapters are in evolution stage.
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XAAL Activities

XAAL was formed in the year…………with active ex-students with an objective to voluntarily work for uplifting of society in and around their city / villages. The forum also involved in various welfare activities such as counselling to students, organizing classes for underprivileged, visit to orphanage and charity homes for mentally and physically challenged, Organizing games for local students and networking. It has affiliation to Society of Jesus.



The grand XAAL Reunion will be organized at SXHS Campus, LPG. on 12th November 2016 at 8:00 AM onwards.



Get In Touch With Us

To know more about XAAL, its activities and latest events, kindly get in touch with us